pfctax 22nd June 2013

To the Berg Family: We regret with deepest sympathy to learn of the passing of your loved one Eugene "Boysie" Berg. Brother Berg was truly a man of sterling qualities and a man of God! His christian example throughout the years has been a great inspiration to his family and to all with whom he was affiliated. Brother Berg was a "Mentor" to young people even before the word mentor became popular. I (Leslie) can remember as a young teenager how every sabbath afternoon after "MV" (Known today as AYS)how Brother Berg and I will talk about life as a christian, evangelism, the importance of education and lets not forget the smiles and laughter he expressed for his love of his favorite baseball team the Los Angeles Dodgers. There is no doubt that he help set the bar for others to look at, because he was the Priest, Provider & Protector of his Home. The fact that his youngest son became a Pastor is a clear testimony of how he potrayed the example of Christ character in all that he did. As a self-employed business man I admired his entreprenurial spirit and how even during his busiest time of his work he would take time to witness or just talk to you and give you a friendly word. It is our prayer that the Lord will continue to Bless, Comfort and Keep the entire family throughout this time of bereavement. Lovingly Submitted 'The Bridges" ( Denzil Bridges; Leslie Bridges, Conrad Bridges & Neill Bridges)